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(Video) ‘The Rock’ ‘Cabut’ Pagar Rumah Elektrik Seorang Diri Kerana Risau Lambat Pergi Kerja

Gara-gara terlambat untuk pergi ke lokasi penggambaran, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson telah meranapkan pintu pagar rumahnya yang tidak berfungsi kerana masalah bekalan tenaga elektrik akibat ribut.

Dalam perkongsian di akaun Instagramnya bersama dengan sekeping gambar memaparkan pintu pagar yang telah rosak, bintang Hollywood itu menjelaskan bahawa ribut telah menyebabkan tenaga elektrik terputus, disebabkan itulah pintu pagar automatik di kediamannya tidak dapat dibuka.

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Not my finest hour 🤦🏽‍♂️, but a man’s gotta go to work. We experienced a power outage due to severe storms, causing my front gate not to open. I tried to override the hydraulic system to open the gates, which usually works when power goes out – but this time it wouldn’t. Made some calls to see how fast I can get the gate tech on site, but I didn’t have 45min to wait. By this time, I know I have hundreds of production crew members waiting for me to come to work so we can start our day. So I did what I had to do. I pushed, pulled and ripped the gate completely off myself. Ripped it completely out of the brick wall, severed the steel hydraulics and threw it on the grass. My security team was able to meet the gate technician and welders about an hour later — and they were apparently, “in disbelief and equally scared” as to how I ripped it off 🤣 Not my finest hour, but I had to go to work. And I’m 💯 ready to be BLACK ADAM⚡💪🏾 #ripgates

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“Bukan waktu yang terbaik tetapi seorang lelaki harus pergi bekerja,” tulisnya.

Risau akan “beratus-ratus” krew yang bekerja untuk filem komik DC ‘Black Adam’ akan menunggunya selepas juruteknik memaklumkan bahawa mereka akan tiba dalam masa 45 minit, beliau terpaksa menangani masalah itu dengan caranya sendiri.

“Saya telah menolak, menarik dan mencabut pintu pagar itu sepenuhnya berseorangan,” sambungnya.

“Mencabut sepenuhnya daripada dinding batu, menanggalkan besi hidraulik dan melemparkannya ke rumput.

“Pasukan keselamatan saya telah berjumpa dengan juruteknik pintu pagar itu serta pengimpal kira-kira sejam kemudian – dan mereka kemudiannya melihat pagar itu, ‘dengan perasaan sukar untuk percaya dan takut’ bagaimana saya mencabutnya”.

Dia menyudahi perkongsiannya itu dengan menyatakan bahawa dia ‘bersedia untuk menjadi BLACK ADAM”.

Filem ini dijangka akan ditayangkan di pawagam UK pada 24 Disember 2021.

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Well here’s the destruction 🤦🏽‍♂️ I left behind after ripping my gates off and going to work. This footage was taken from my security after I had already left and he arrived on the scene. The second video is of our technicians and welders carrying one of the gates I tore off and placing it very gently in the grass. As you guys know from my last post, there was a power outage at my house, causing my gates to not open. Sure as hell wasn’t my best hour, but there were a lot of people waiting for me at work so I did what I had to do, hopped in my pick up and went to work. Maybe next time I’ll just hop the gates and call an Uber. Actually, no I won’t. There’s no fun in that 😈 Jokes aside, THANK YOU to the techs and welders who mobilized very quickly in the morning to come over and take care of the destruction. Thank you, gentlemen. Just one of those days where I wasn’t in the mood. We’ve all been there. 🥃 #ripgates

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Sumber: sky news

The post (Video) ‘The Rock’ ‘Cabut’ Pagar Rumah Elektrik Seorang Diri Kerana Risau Lambat Pergi Kerja appeared first on Siakap Keli.

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